This may seem like a strange first #newteachertiptuesday piece of advice, but community in the classroom is imperative to having a solid learning environment. It may seem like you’ll waltz gingerly into your classroom that first day and your students are sitting there, new clothes and supplies in hand, eager to learn, and highly attentive. You bust open a textbook at the front of the room and you’re on your way to teaching greatness.
But from every classroom that I have ever been in, that just isn’t the case. You’ll have a few students who show up eager to learn, but many who do not. You may have students who are shy or anxious about a new year, students who are new to your school and haven’t met anyone yet, or kids who are just simply relieved that summer is over so they can come to school for some structure and predictability. So as their teacher (because they are all yours), what are you going to do to meet those needs and make sure that your classroom is setup so every student can learn?
It’s certainly no easy task- trying to meet the needs of 20-30 different children with different backgrounds, experiences, and expectations. But any effort at all towards making your room a conscious learning environment is going to pay off. Promise.
There’s no need to try to plan out every detail of the community you want in your classroom before school even starts. After all, you can’t do this until you have met and gotten to know your most important ingredient- your students. But as a new educator (and even as one with a few years under your belt!), you can start thinking about ways in which you want to build community in your classroom. Here are a few things to start considering as we head towards Back to School.
- How do you want your classroom to feel when your student’s enter on the first day? What can you do to make it feel that way?
- What routines or activities do you want to try to incorporate in the first weeks to start building community?
- How will you make sure that every student in your class feels like a part of your room?
These questions can really be answered any way that you see fit. The way they’re answered depends on who you teach, what you teach, and where you teach. But I’ll try to give you a pinch of insight into how I’d answer these questions!
How do you want your classroom to feel when your student’s enter on the first day? What can you do to make it feel that way?
I want my classroom to feel like a home away from home- an extension of the home I hope my students are coming from. One full of love, a safe place for mistakes, one where there is structure, but plenty of time for fun and enjoyment in learning. On that very first day, and really every day, I want them to all feel welcomed. When students feel like they aren’t welcome in your room, they certainly aren’t going to enter ready to learn from you.
So how do I make my room feel like a home away from home? Simple. (Added bonus: Most of the things I do to accomplish this are completely free!) I start with a handshake each morning, requiring eye contact and I tell them good morning with a smile. I may quickly ask about their weekend, compliment a new haircut or a cool shirt, remind them of an inside joke, etc. This sets the tone that they’re wanted here. When behavior problems arise, I don't argue and I try really hard not to confront students publicly. Embarrassing children is not what teachers should be about. And if you do happen to embarrass a child- apologize. Yup- apologize to that student. It is ok to admit that you made a mistake and say that you're sorry for it. This way, when you find yourself asking one student to apologize to another, you yourself, were the example. Down the road, these type of topics might make for good classroom meetings.
At the end of the day, find a few minutes for a recap of their learning for the day or time to mention highlights that aren't necessarily academic. This is a great opportunity to praise students, compliment them, and allow them to raise each other up. It can be as simple as a 1-2 minute procedure at dismissal that could really engage a student who was feeling alone.
At the end of the day, find a few minutes for a recap of their learning for the day or time to mention highlights that aren't necessarily academic. This is a great opportunity to praise students, compliment them, and allow them to raise each other up. It can be as simple as a 1-2 minute procedure at dismissal that could really engage a student who was feeling alone.
What routines or activities do you want to try to incorporate in the first weeks to start building community?
I like to get my student's interacting {positively} with one another immediately. After all, they're going to need to get along and work together the rest of the year. Any games or activities that we use the first weeks of school, I always participate in. That way, student's have a chance to get to know me, too. Be mindful of the activities you choose- I will never forget my first year teaching, (which was in a Collab class with about 50% students in Special Education with varying levels of need) I had planned to play a round of "Find Someone Who"- well, low and behold, I had several students who couldn't read the game board to be able to play, and one student who had a severe speech delay and was having trouble communicating whether or not he could sign his peer's boxes on their boards. It was a royal disaster and a great, big learning opportunity. Think through your choices- you'll be happy you did. :)
Check out this amazing post from Teaching with a Mountain View that is loaded with activities for the first weeks: Check it out here!
How will you make sure that every student in your class feels like a part of your room?
We have all seen headlines lately that have shaken us to our core as educators. Student's being bullied, picked on, feeling like outcasts. Feelings so strong that they've injured others or even themselves. It is a massive task to reach each student, to make every single kid feel loved, but you can do it. Keep greeting every kid with a smile, shake every hand, keep track of compliments you pay kiddos (yes, it is certainly easier to compliment certain students rather than all students), help kids find someone to spend recess with, organize lunch seating so no one is left out, make positive phone calls home, and leave friendly notes on student desks.
And if you have a student who isn't connecting, who just isn't quite fitting in? Get them help. Reach out to teachers on your team, counselors, and administrators. Let parents know what you see and ask for their advice/share your plan with them. That effort- that mindfulness- will not go unnoticed.
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